Category: Learning

Starting an Open Textbook (Office Hours Summary)

Learning Rebus Community

“Starting an Open Textbook,” a co-presentation with Open Textbook Network, featured team leads from a variety of open textbook projects. They spoke about the challenges they’ve overcome and the successes they’ve achieved. By learning from their experience, we can improve workflows for open textbook development in the future.  This month, we were joined by KarenKeep reading “Starting an Open Textbook (Office Hours Summary)”

Adapting OER for your Unique Context (Office Hours Summary)

Learning Rebus Community

“Adapting OER for your Unique Context,” a co-presentation with the Open Textbook Network, taught us a lot about the wealth of possibilities for adaptation that OER presents, and the different methods of achieving those adaptation dreams. Our guests told us stories of creating an open textbook that is easily adaptable and of adapting an openKeep reading “Adapting OER for your Unique Context (Office Hours Summary)”

Publishing Together: Finding Community in Introduction to Philosophy

Learning Rebus Community

There were 163 posts on the Rebus Community platform and 35 people collaborating on the Introduction to Philosophy series when I first joined this open textbook project. The team had been working together for almost six months, so there was some catching up to do: I had to understand the team’s motivations, vision, and currentKeep reading “Publishing Together: Finding Community in Introduction to Philosophy”

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