Category: resources

Next Office Hours: Peer Review for Open Textbooks 

Office Hours resources

Open Textbook Network & Rebus Community Host Office Hours Wednesday, March 29, 10 a.m. PST / 1 p.m. EST Guest Speakers: Karen Lauritsen, Open Textbook Network; Daniel Williamson, OpenStax; Jon Udell,; Deb Quentel, CALI; and Hugh McGuire, Rebus Foundation What should peer review look like for open textbooks? Guest speakers Karen Lauritsen of Open TextbookKeep reading “Next Office Hours: Peer Review for Open Textbooks “

Office Hours Video: Recruiting Open Textbook Authors

Office Hours resources

In our February Office Hours session, we talked about Recruiting Authors for Open Textbooks with guest speakers Kevin Ahern, Oregon State University; Karen Bjork, Portland State University; Caitie Finlayson, University of Mary Washington; and Amy Hofer, Open Oregon. Guests included both faculty authors and open textbook program managers. The conversation covered tenure, promotion, stipends andKeep reading “Office Hours Video: Recruiting Open Textbook Authors”

Next Office Hours: Recruiting Authors for Open Textbooks

Office Hours resources

Recruiting Authors for Open Textbooks Feb. 22, 11 a.m. PST Guest Speakers: Kevin Ahern, Oregon State University; Karen Bjork, Portland State University; Caitie Finlayson, University of Mary Washington; and Amy Hofer, Open Oregon In this Office Hours session hosted by Open Textbook Network and Rebus Community, we’ll talk about recruiting authors to create open textbooks.Keep reading “Next Office Hours: Recruiting Authors for Open Textbooks”

Office Hours Video: Making Open Textbooks With Students

Office Hours resources

In our first Office Hours session of the year, special guests Robin DeRosa, Steel Wagstaff, Amanda Coolidge spoke about their experiences working with students to create open textbooks. Thanks so much to the 38 who attended. And a hearty thank you again to our speakers Robin DeRosa, Steel Wagstaff and Amanda Coolidge and to ourKeep reading “Office Hours Video: Making Open Textbooks With Students”

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